Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Today I woke up and my knee was a little sore. So I decided that running was probably not a good idea and that I should take it easy today. So I went for a 30 mile bike ride. Hey when you are training for a marathon that IS taking it easy. :)

During the last leg of my ride my sister called and wanted to go for a walk on the beach. So I raced home, put up my bike. Took off my wet clothes, a quick shower, dry clothes and I was off. Oh I did have two hard boiled eggs and some red seedless grapes. We walked... um.... I'm guessing about a mile or maybe a mile and a half. Then we went out to eat. I had a veggie sandwich on whole wheat. After that I was wiped out and took a 2 hour nap. My knee is a little stiff and sore this evening. I walked a little bit to loosen it up and am putting some ice on it now.

Hope everyone had a Happy Fourth of July. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday America!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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