Saturday, June 26, 2010

Almost half way to half way there

Ok that title really does have a meaning when you are training for a marathon. because Almost half of half way there is still a pretty darn long way. Trust me I just did it. Yep I ran 6 miles this morning. Ok I know 6.5 is really a quarter of a marathon, That is why I said "Almost". HELLO!!!! But anyway you look at it running 6 miles straight.... I'm pretty proud of myself. And my time??? 1:23:44:52 - No I'm not playing football.... this is my actual time. So round up to 1 hour 24 mins. This is a 14 min mile pace. You have to run at least a 16min mile to qualify for the Disney Marathon. So I'm in. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what made my run a little more difficult this morning is the fact that I got up late. You see a marathon runner's night life ends at 9:00 pm EASTERN TIME. And some of my friends (although they live on the East Coast) are on PACIFIC TIME. So when I met them for dinner last night and they forced me to stay out late... Ok they didn't hog tie me or anything... and I had a wonderful time so of course I didn't want to leave. But still somehow (not sure how) but it is all their fault. Now one thing you have to learn about running in Florida during the summer is that you just simply don't run once the sun comes up. Trust me it is not a wise thing to do. But this morning I did run in the sun. (because my friends kept me out late and made me hit the snooze on my alarm clock) And by 7:00 am it was very hot and very, very humid. But with the wrath of the angry sun beating on my head I kept running.

So the way I look at it. Take my little 14 min mile pace; factor in the Florida heat and humidity and I'd say I ran about an 8 min mile. Wouldn't you???

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